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Some other web-sites that might be of interest.

Sites Related to the 13th Mass:

Most of these links are older, placed here when I started this project in 2008.  I have deleted some that were defunct inlcuding my Yahoo Group for 13th MA Descendants. There are still some good sites listed here, like the 13th MA Roster, Civil War Richmond, the Woburn Library, the National Parks, Etc.  And in more recent years I have been posting articles at Friends of Cedar Mountain Battlefield, where I also give tours.

I would like to promote the Descendants of the 88th PA Vols, who do excellent work, but they don't have a regular website.  They are on facebook however.

Here's where I post articles about my research:  13th Mass Blog

If you would like to view a roster of the men who served in the 13th Mass check out Art Rideout's site.  Records are from the Regimental History. Roster.

Here is Art's Korean War website.  Korea

To view a thoroughly researched slide presentation about the John Brown Bell click here.

Military History Online has a Civil War Genealogy database listing several descendants of 13th Mass Soldiers.  Military History Online.

Brett Schulte is compileing information about regimental actions at his excellent compilation site "The Siege of Petersburg on-line."  I have sent him several materials about the 13th Mass at Petersburg for the site.  As it will be a long while before I reach that point in my detail history, you can visit Brett's site and see more about the 13th Mass.

Woburn Public Library has a digital exhibit posted with photographs of soldiers from the town that served in the Civil War. Two soldiers from the '13th Mass' are included.

Civil War Organizations:

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War is a patriotic fraternal organization dedicated to preserving the memory of those who fought to save the union.  I belong to a Los Angeles Chapter named for General Rosecrans.  To find out more about the National Organization, SUVCW.

To Visit the Los Angeles Chapter,

The San Gabriel Valley Civil War Round Table is the group that initially inspired me to do more research on the 13th. You can check out their site and find a link to the national organization.  There are groups all over the country.  They help with battlefield preservation too, SGVCWRT.

Educational Sites for more resources on the Civil War:

Many exciting new sites have come to my attention since I began this website.  The following links are some of my favorite resources for Civil War Images and information.  They are not in any particular order.

Antietam National Battlefield, Maryland.

Antietam Battlefield Guides.

Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Military Park

Friends of Cedar Mountain Battlefield

I am a member of this board and give tours of the battlefield now.  I also post articles on the website.

Mysteries and Conundrums; Exploring the Civil War Landscape in the Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania Region.

Civil War Richmond; Mike Gorman's site has a great deal of information on Libby Prison, with transcriptions of  Richmond war-time Newspapers and much more.

The Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

New York Public Library Digital Collections.

Center for Civil War Photography.

Harpers Weekly - The Civil War Years.

Friends of the Monterey Pass Battlefield.

Thaddeus Lowe   The Balloon Corps & more.

Friends of Chapman's Mill - Thoroughfare Gap is a forum for students and fans of the American Civil War. Our online community of Historians, Skirmishers, Re-enactors, Educators, and Enthusiasts is dedicated to the exchange of ideas and information related to the War Between the States. Our goal is to become the leading resource for every researcher seeking historical information and opinions relating to the American Civil War.

To the Sound of the  Guns - Craig Swain was an early contact for pictures in the Maryland / Virginia area.  His Blog is everything you wanted to know about Civil War Artillery.  He also contributes profusely to the Marker Hunter Database, where countless Civil War Historical Markers may be found among the collection, including some virtual tours of various Battlefields, including Cedar Mountain.

Stephen Recker premiered his product "Virtual Gettysburg' at the above mentioned Round Table  March 21st 2002.  Virtual Gettysburg is a wonderful educational & research tool that provides 360° panoramic views of the battlefield, a guided tour, information on every monument at the park, and lots more.  Check it out,   Virtual Gettysburg. 

Local libraries, particularly in towns that furnished a Civil War rifle company or other organization, are good resources to find information about a unit.  For Instance, the libraries & Historical Societies in Westborough, Mass., Marlborough, Mass. & Stoneham, Mass. have information on the rifle companies & men that enlisted from those towns many in the 13th Mass .  Some have period newspapers available on microfilm.  If you are close to such a library it is a great resource.  Westborough Library;     Marlborough Library;    Marlborough Historical SocietyStoneham Historical Society.

Here is a site that gives a detailed history of Marlboro, Massaschusetts  History of Marlboro Mass.

In Virginia: The Warren Heritage Society

Other Regiments:

Speaking of Civil War Units I have links to some other sites for Massachusetts regiments.  Susan Harnwell runs an excellent site on the 15th Mass.  She gave me some advice on getting this site off the ground.  Check out her roster and the incredibly detailed information it contains.  I plan to implement a similar roster here, at some future time. 15th Mass.

Another unit on-line is the 28th Mass.  Harvard educated private John B. Noyes, Co. B, 13th Mass., was commissioned 2d Lt. in this Irish Regiment in April 1863.  At one point during Grant's Overland Campaign Captain Noyes became the commanding officer of the unit, all other officers being killed or wounded in action.  The site contains a good history of the unit which never had an official history written.  28th Mass.

Sites that Provided Pictures for the Website

I highly recommend these websites.  The people that run them have generously provided images and information  to   There is a wealth of history available at  these sites.


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