Part 3; Good Times With Company B

Washington Central Market

Pictured here is the Washington Center Market, circa 1889.  It was an intregal part of life in Washington D.C. from the 18th Century through the early 20th Century.  Although the market is not mentioned in any of the 13th Mass. soldiers' letters, they would have known this place.  It was across the street from Browns's Metropolitan Hotel so often mentioned in their correspondence.  The market was a great place for freedmen to operate their own business without harrassment.  The original market was a collection of non integrated wood frame-structures.  For years it was considered a health threat so a new building was planned, authorized and constructed between 1870-72 to clean things up.

Table of Contents


This page follows the activities of two Company B soldiers in the 13th Massachusetts Volunteers, who worked in, or passed through, the city of Washington between January - October, 1863. The principal subject is Private William Henry Harrison Rideout.

A few years ago, a stash of W. H. H.  Rideout’s letters were acquired from a Civil War artifacts dealer, by Mr. Herbert Rideout, a descendant of William.  The subject matter of this correspondence didn’t fit neatly into any part of the regiment’s narrative.  William wrote them in 1863, while on detached duty, working as a supervisor in the quarter-master department in Washington, D.C.   I wanted to post the letters here, so this special page was planned around the collection.  —But the letters proved to be enigmatic.

Most open with the salutation “Dear Sister” and close with a variation of “Your Affectionate Brother” though they are clearly not addressed to his real sisters.  By examinig clues in the letters,  I have decided to believe that most, if not all of the 8 letters posted here are written to 16 year old,  Lydia Ann Waymouth of Braintree, Massachusetts.  With this perspective the letters take on an added level of significance.  They are not just newsworthy, regarding life in Washington and its environs during the war, but they reveal a developing relationship between the two correspondents, that is at times playful, and engaging, for Lydia and William married in October, 1864.

The second storyline presented here are the travels of John B. Noyes.  Noyes passed through the city at least twice in 1863,  and left enough impressions to compose a narrative of his experiences.  Excerpts from his diary are used to compliment his letters.

 His experiences passing through Washington are a nice addition to the Rideout letters.  Several other soldiers from the regiment appear in both narratives.  The comings and goings of the two protagonists and their respective friends, add interest and detail to the story of the volunteer soldiers.

Central Market, 1860's

A view of Washington's Center Market at the time of the Civil War.

In building this page I scratched the surface of what the city of Washington was like during the years of the Lincoln administration.  Unveiled were the city's neighborhoods, its hotels,  the public buildings and attractions, its theatres, and the actors and actresses that populated the theatres.  Many of the places mentioned on this page are found in this cropped version of an 1898 city map.  [The frequently mentioned Grover's Theatre is labelled New National Theatre.]

Map of City Streets in  Washington DC


I am indebted to several writers and blogs listed here, for information found on this page.

The Location;   “More on Murder Bay” by Kim Bender, posted March 22, 2012; thelocation.wordpress.com

Streets of Washington; Stories and images of historic Washington D.C.  “The Metropolitan, aka Brown's Marble Hotel” posted December 10, 2009 & “Center Markets Chaotic Exuberance,” May 24, 2010; by John DeFerrari. And Thank you to John for his personal responses to my inquiries. http://civilwarwashingtondc1861-1865.blogspot.com/2011/10/b-railroad-station-new-jersey-avenue.html

Spared & Shared; William J. Griffing; Letters of William Henry Harrison Rideout; posted June 3, 2015.  Some of Mr. Griffing's notes on the letters exceded my knowlege in a most surprising manner.  I have copied verbatim some of his notes, with permision, specifically those for Nixon's Circus,  Major William H. Wood & Lt. Charles Hunt Porter.  https://sparedshared9.wordpress.com

Mr. Lincoln's White House; “Hotels and Other Public Buildings:  Grover's Theatre.”  The site was originally created a project of the Lincoln Institute under a grant from The Lehrman Institute.  The text was prepared by Richard J. Behn and the website was designed by Kathleen Packard of KathodeRay Media, Inc. http://www.mrlincolnswhitehouse.org

Boothie Barn Discovering The Conspiracy;  “At Lincoln's Deathbed,” September 23, 2012;  “Corporal Tanner's Letter,”  November 12, 2013; “Grover's Theatre & The Lincoln Assasination,” January 19, 2014;   also, “Alice Gray, Successful Partnerships,” February 9, 2016; all by Dave Taylor. boothiebarn.com

The Adelphi Theatre Calendar, A Record of Dramatic Performances at a Leading Victorian Theatre;  University of Massachusetts Amherst; The Adelphi Theatre Calendar revised, reconstructed and amplified.  Copyright 2013 and 2016 by Alfred L. Nelson, Gilbert B. Cross, Joseph Donohue. https://www.umass.edu/AdelphiTheatreCalendar/index.htm

PICTURE CREDITS:   All images are from the Library of Congress digital images collection, with the following exceptions:  German Reformed Church by Mr. Peter Boon, descendant of James L. Forbes;  John B. Noyes & W.H.H. Rideout, (post-war) from Massachusetts Historical Society; Metropolitan Hotel from John DeFerrari's Streets of Washington; Willard's Hotel from The White House Historical Association, www.whitehousehistory.org;  Grovers Theater from Mr. Lincoln's Whitehouse (see acknowlegements);  Alice Gray, from the Boothiebarn, Dave Taylor (see acknowledgements);  Barney and Maria Williams from Washington University Library, [digitalcollections.lib.washington.edu];George S. Worcester & Sutler's Chase & Brown, and are from from  Army Heritage Education Center, Digital Image database, Mass. MOLLUS Collection; Members of Co. B: Armstrong, Dorr, Rideout, Worcester, Robinson, Richards from authors private collection (via Scott Hann);  ALL  IMAGES have been edited in photoshop.

Map of Washington and some of its Environs

Many of the places indicated on this area map are mentioned in the letters on this page.

Map of fortifications around Washington

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The City of Washington

Picture:  Ladies Leaving the Treasury Department

Women leaving the Treasury Building

A New Englanders View of Washington

October 13, 1863

(Correspondence of the Transcript.)

Washington City — By a Northern Man.
        Whatever may be its advantages for winning a name, Washington is the least desirable of all places for a local habitation. Its distances are not more magnificent than its intentions and discrepancies.  Started with the idea of being a great city, it is all suburb.

There are no central places of business, but private residences, public buildings, stores, shops, boarding-houses, gambling saloons, theaters and jails are all lying round loose, subject only to the simple rule — the more important the building, the less convenient is its situation.  The public buildings are generally of white marble, and, as they each cover a few acres, might properly be called magnificent structures.  They are nearly all in an unfinished condition, and are undergoing the addition of either a story, wing or dome.  The President’s house having attained the exact shape of a cube, is suffered to remain in that picturesque condition.  When the others will be finished, depends on the financial condition and architectural ability of future generations.

Great expense has been incurred in improving its harbor, but as yet it is without shipping or commerce.

The Washington Monument, on which unknown thousands have been squandered, now stunted and dwarfed ere a third grown, only lacks age to rival in speculative curiosity the Cheops of Egypt.

The peculiar arrangement of the roads is novel and interesting.  Besides the streets cutting each other at right angles, avenues radiate from the Capitol and White House in every direction, thus dividing the city into an innumerable number of scalene triangles; and so imperceptibly do the sides vanish into each other, the first lesson a stranger learns is to avoid the hypothenuse and the last effort of a resident is to determine which of the many “cuts” to any point is the least lengthy.  To furnish these thoroughfares with names, resort has been had to the Arabic system of notation, the letters of the alphabet, the names of the different States and the points of the compass. You ask for a certain residence, and receive in reply a formula involving all your school studies, to solve which requires a clearness of head and power of locomotion of which New England travelers have but a faint conception.  Very few of the streets are paved, and what in the winter is a slough of mud, is now a bed of dust — and such a dust!  No place is free from its intrusion, and one might as well avoid the toothache or tax gatherer as to escape its presence.   There is no reason to suppose it does not creep into our food, and thus will our dinners continually remind us of our origin and destiny.  All the land is made up from this uncertain element, and, as a consequence, real estate tenures are very precarious.  It is frequently difficult to identify unimproved lots, and many conveyances re made by quit-claim deeds only.

I board at what is “reckoned” a good boarding house; but at double the cost we get half the comforts of a New England home. The proprietors as in most others of the kind, are broken down F. F.’s of  Virginia and Maryland, cursed with pride, poverty and negroes, and with a dialect which, like their tobacco, defies counterfeiting.  Mingle together the volubility of a Frenchman, the brogue of an Irishman, the goblet a Hottentot, and instead of a counterfeit, you have the dialect itself.  And such Ignorance!  Learning I was from the North, the landlords said they had frequently had boarders from the States of Boston, new England and Massachusetts!  This is perhaps excusable, for I have yet to learn of but one good public school in the city.

A.B. Frost illustration, one man telling the other a story

There seems to be no ambition for those little surroundings which give such elegance and comfort to our Eastern homes.  The only elevation influence I have yet felt is exerted by the beds, which certainly offer many inducements for early rising.

The chief basis of our food is the sweet potato, which in Virginia mud is developed to an astounding size.  It comes upon us in all the forms and conditions the ingenuity of woman can invent; boiled, hashed, stewed, roasted and fried.  It is mashed into puddings, sandwiched into side-doses, made into pies, dressed into fresh meats, and stuffed into fowls; To avoid it, is not to eat; to exchange it —

“Tis a poor relief we gain,
    To change the dish and keep the same — potato.”

Our meals come when least expected, like an Irish rebellion. The breakfast is a dubious matter, in all respects.  We dine from 8 to 5, and have supper when we feel like eating; but as dinner ends and supper begins with a cup of tea, the line of demarcation is purely imaginary.  Judging from the speed of a railroad train, I should say it was a hundred miles from breakfast to dinner, and only ten from three to supper; and it is hard to say which one suffers most from famine or fulness.

In a city of such discrepancies, it is to be expected considerable moral obliquity exists; and such is the fact.  The war has drawn hither thousands of people — roughs, gamblers, prize-fighters, pickpockets, men who hatch eggs by steam, fast men, faster women, organ-grinders, brigadier generals, army contractors, office seekers, — in short, those too proud to beg, too lazy to work, and too mean to get a comparatively honest living by stealing. We average one murder each week, and police reports show about one hundred minor offenses daily.  It is hardly safe for timid men to be out nights, or even to attend church on the Sabbath, so I carefully shun the danger by remaining at home.  What we are coming to, time only can tell.  The destiny of Washington depends on the fate of the Union.  Within itself it has no resources.  If the Government is maintained, it must continue to be the centre of some business;  If it fails, this city will be a second Babylon, as which men, as they pass by, shall wag their heads.

Murder Bay

Pictured is the neighborhood close to the Capitol known as Murder Bay.

Murder Bay Neighborhood, Smithsonian Institute

Post-war Washington was a babylon.  Kimberly Bender, at her blog, “The Location,” posted the following information:

 “According to one government official interviewed in the [Washington] Post in 1902, “Washington passed through its period of lawlessness and disorder fully as bad, if not worse, than that which prevailed in Cripple Creek, Colo. or Tombstone, Ariz.”

“The war had ended, leaving stranded in this city a vast horde of enfranchised slaves, discharged soldiers, and a cloud of riffraff, bummers, and camp followers…and their arrival soon made this city one of the most disorderly places in America.  Fights, murders, stabbing, and shooting scrapes were of daily occurrence…”

Hell’s Bottom is a former “contraband camp” extending irregularly from 7th to 14th Streets NW, and from O street to the Boundary.  It was one of the most notorious sections of the city after the war.  Bloodfield was another.

Murder Bay is the area east of the White House across Pennsylvania Avenue and was known for its brothels, gambling, and crime.

Red Light District

The “red light district” known as  Murder Bay at the corner of C Street NW and 13th Street NW, April 1912.  Griffin Vetch, a “night messenger” or child laborer who directed customers to brothels, is leaning against the tree at left.  Photo by Lewis W. Hine of the U.S. National Child Labor Committee.

Bawdy Girls

One of Kimberly's readers at The Location, posted the following comment:

“In the middle of this picture are three buildings with a white facade, 1207 - 1211 C Street, known as the ‘Dutch Corral’ operated by a Swiss woman named Maria Egli from 1870 to 1888.”

A Dec. 23, 1888 Post article wrote:

“Her house, was known from one end of the country to the other, was a famously infamous place during the war.  The place was a mine of wealth to its proprietress, and she is now, perhaps, one of the richest woman of her class in the city.”

The presence of the army during the war probably had a good effect to limit some of the crime, and keep some order, but it wouldn’t be hard to imagine the crime in various neighborhoods, as indicated in the Boston Correspondent’s letter above.

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The Travels of John B. Noyes, Company B


Private John B. Noyes was wounded at the Battle of Antietam September 17, 1862.  In a letter to his father, September 18, 1862, he wrote:

“My chum Buffum & Corp. Emerson, and Sergt. Worcester fought by my side, most of the time, each one doing his utmost. …Worcester was shot while talking to me about the range of my firing; but not severely.  He was borne back to a tree behind. …a round ball struck me, about 6 inches above the knee, in the fleshy part of the leg passing through it without touching the bone, giving me only a flesh wound.  The bullet leaving my leg, entered my haversack and almost spent its force on my iron spoon, bending the bowl, and then passed out tearing the haversack considerably showing that the ball was completely spent.  The holes in my leg were clean and smooth.  I shall probably be laid up for a month or so, and shall make every effort to get home.”

He described his subsequent experience in a letter to his father September 28:

“My wound is in what is called the middle third of the right thigh. The ball entered on the inside of the leg and passed out almost directly underneath it, making merely a flesh wound, and not affecting the bone.  Indeed almost all the leg wounds in our Reg’t are flesh wounds only.  Three of my company are now with me, all flesh wounded in the leg, and three others similarly wounded were with us at the battle field hospital.  I remained with most of the slightly wounded in our Reg’t by an immense straw-stack, till Sunday after the battle when I was taken to Hagerstown.  The number of the wounded was so great that I considered my self lucky in getting to Hagerstown as early as I did.  The ladies of Hagerstown treated us very kindly, supplying us with many delicacies.  We remained there however but one day, taking the cars for Harrisburgh late in the afternoon of Monday.  All night we traveled in the cars, the good people of Chambersburgh, Mechanicsburgh, Carlysle & Harrisburgh, supplying us with bread, butter & coffee.

“About 5 o’clock A.M Tuesday we were taken in omnibuses to a small school house where we remained till the next day when we were transferred to our present hospital.  Our treatment since we have been here has been all we could desire.”

His three Company B comrades were, Corporal Bob Armstrong, Corporal Alfred Brigham, and Private Levi L. Dorr,  “and some of Co. A. boys serve to make up quite a jolly company.”

German Reform Church Harrisburgh, PA

They were treated at The German Reformed Church Hospital throughout the Autumn months.  At times the atmosphere at the hospital was almost like a party.

“Almost at all hours the ladies are around, especially at breakfast, dinner, and supper which they bring to us.  All kinds of delicacies they distribute among us, peaches, pears, apples, grapes &c.  We hold a sort of reception at which instead of being arm twitched we dispense talk, information respecting the battles &c.  All the pretty girls in town seem to come, and we, that is Corporals Armstrong, & Brigham, & privates Dorr & myself receive more than our share of attention.  Papers and books are brought in, so that we can’t read half of them.  We shall carry many pleasant memories of the place away.”

Pictured is the Church Sunday School building used as a hospital where John Noyes and others of the regiment passed several enjoyable weeks recuperating from battle wounds.  Photo by Mr. Peter Boone, descendant of James L. Forbes, 13th MA, Co. A, who was among the convalescents.

Private Noyes remained at the German Reformed Church Hospital with his comrades until October 18, when he was furloughed and went home to Cambridge.

Three months later he left Boston on a leisurely trip to rejoin the 13th Mass in the field.  On January 15, he left Boston for Brooklyn, spent a few days with his brother, then traveled to Harrisburg to visit with his comrades and the many friends he had made when in the hospital.  After a pleasant week in Pennsylvania he traveled through Washington, D.C. on his way to the front.  His diary, begun in January, 1863, provides a few glimpses into the friends he saw, and adds a few details that his letters omit.

Letter, January 16, 1863;  Brooklyn, N.Y.

John Noyes frequently references Harvard students & alumni in his letters.  He graduated, class of 1858.  His father, George Rapall Noyes,  was Professor of Divinity at the college.

Brooklyn N.Y. January 16. 1863.

Dear Father

I arrived safely in Brooklyn this morning, meeting no mishap after leaving Boston, save the breaking of a brass Knapsack button, which of course makes the Knapsack temporarily unbearable.  We had a violent gale on the sound, bright starlight, which made it impossible to walk straight in the saloon, or on deck.  The boat racked so that it was impossible also to sleep until near day break. Of course quite a number were sea sick.  It was a splendid sight to see the ocean lashed with foam, the waves breaking and dashing by in huge gambols, the stars reflected in the white mist, and playing at hide and seek with each other in the oddest and most angular way.

At the Worcester depot I met the wife of one of our officers, and was introduced to one Harrington a Senior – Soph.  bound for Washington.  With him and two or three other students I whiled away the time on the cars playing French high low in the card car.  Stephen [John's brother] appears to be in pretty good health and sends his love to the different members of the family.  I shall leave Brooklyn, Monday by the 12% M. train for Harrisburgh, then to remain probably till the 26th inst.  If you wish to write me, or have any letters for me send them to me, care of J. McCormick Jr. by Harrisburgh, Penn.

    With love to all, in haste
            Your Aff. Son
                John B. Noyes

Diary, January 20 - 26, 1863

Bob Armstrong, Company BWill Soule, Company A

Bob "Chuck It" Armstrong, Company B, Will Soule, Company A

Jan’y 20th  At Hospital. [Harrisburg, PA] Saw Armstrong1 & Soule.2  Called on Mrs. Small3 & Rounfords.(?)  Skating Miss Roberts,4 Briggs, & Mrs. Cornyn. Called on Miss Coverly. Letter & package from home.


1.  Bob Armstrong is the subject of Charles E. Davis, Jr.'s character sketch, in his article “A Narrow Escape,” on this website. 

2.  Will Soule's brother Jonathan operated a well known photography salon in Boston.  After his discharge from the service, Will took up photography.  He became famous for his late 1860's photographs of the Plains Indians.

3.  Mrs. Small was the mother of Ella Small, who later married James L. Forbes, one of the 13th Mass, treated at the German Reform Church Hospital.

4.  Kate Roberts mentioned above, was the future wife of James Lowell, Company A, who was also treated at the German Reformed Church hospital.

Letter, January 21, 1863;  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Martha is John's younger sister.

Harrisburgh, Penn.  January 21st 1863.

Dear Martha

John B. Noyes, Company B

I received your bundle yesterday. The dressing case and portfolio looked very much like the old ones – the hair brush decidedly like the one I bought some time ago.  You must have used great diligence to get them ready so quickly.  Had you not written me of your intention to send them I should have got some cloth and set the ladies to work.  I left Brooklyn Monday noon.  Stephen was in good health expecting to skate in the afternoon. While in Brooklyn I saw quite a number of friends.  In Stephen’s “New Gymnastics” class were Raulett, class ’57, and Garrish.  I exercised with them one night.  Everett P. Wheeler was out of town, and Hattie Bigelow not to be found as school does not keep on Saturday.  I met Frank P. Nash, Charles’ [another brother] class mate on the street. He told me his brother Ben was married.  I did not have time to call at his house.  George R. Noyes is looking very well indeed.  Sunday Eve’g. Stephen and I called on Mrs. White.  Mrs. Wheeler was there. They were very glad to see me, and enquired about the folks at home.  They told me that Uncle Swift was not so well as he was a month ago, and that Cousin Sumner had taken Uncle Ben to see him.  Mr. & Mrs. Richardson had left Mr. Robbins Church, and Mrs. Wheeler had advised Cousin Sumner to sever his connection with it.

The skating mania has just reached Harrisburgh, and girls and boys, young ladies and widows, married ladies and their husbands, men of war and those more peacefully inclined were on skates yesterday.  Alas!  A miserable, wet snow now covers ground and ice, and skaters are obliged to hang up their skates on the inner wall.  I put on skates yesterday morning and found I could get along quite well.  I expected to be out this afternoon, but there is many  a slip twixt cup and lip.  I saw Miss Coverly yesterday; she was sorry you could’nt come.  Her father had an excellent pair of skates which I expected to try on this afternoon.  By the way, rockers are unknown in Harrisburgh, and there are few smooth irons.  My friends in Harrisburgh are all well and glad to see me.

Diary Excerpts, January 22 - 24, 1863

Janr’y 22d  Called on Bob Armstrong.  Miss Harris not at home.  P.M. nor Miss Briggs. In Eve’g to Coverlys to stop.  With them at Old folks concert. Checkers with Miss Carrie.

Janr’y 23d  A.M. to State house with Carrie & Ellie.  Saw Capt. DeWitt. Called on Rachel Briggs To Sandfords opera in Eve’g with Kate Roberts, Carrie,  Ella & Mrs. C.

Janr’y 24th.  Walk before breakfast.  A.M. called on Mary Soules.  Miss. Criswell called. P.M. called on Mrs. Corrigan & Mrs. Thos. Wallace.  Backgammon in Eve’g.  Letter from Mrs. C. Nininger, St. Pauls, Minn.


Mrs. Nininger was the sister of Minnesota Governor Alexander Ramsey.  She met John Noyes and the others while they were recovering at the German Reform Church Hospital.  He wrote of her:  “...It would be impossible to mention half the ladies to whom we have so much indebted, but I ought not to pass by Mrs. Niminger, one of nature’s noblewomen, a sister of Governor Ramsay of Minnesota.  She is a very large lady, handsome, and exceedingly entertaining.  She has seen a great deal of Washington Society evidently, and is well acquainted with many of our generals. She says She has an especial liking for Minnesota soldiers, the 84th Penn, in which regiment she has a son & the 13th Mass.  Almost daily she comes in to see us, having something brought for our comfort. Yesterday she distributed ice cream among us 13th boys, attending on us herself. She wanted us Co. B. boys come to her house to stay but the Dr. would not consent.  Her father in law with whom she now lives was a soldier in the wars of Napoleon, and she wished to have us talk with him.”

Diary Excerpts, January 25 - 26, 1863

Janr’y 25th.  A.m. to New School Presb. Ch. With Mrs. Coverly.  P.M. Saw Mr. Brown. In Eveg to N.S.P. Ch with Carrie & Mrs. Coverly.  Lt. McCanley.

Janr’y 26th.  Walk before breakfast. Called on Mr. McCormick. At Provost Marshal’s Lieut Case’s office.  Called on Mrs. Dr. Bailey & Miss Briggs. Took 5”20’ train for Baltimore with Lt. Piper.

Letter, January 27, 1863; Washington, D.C.

When he arrived there, the city of Washington made much less an impression on  private Noyes.

Washington D.C.  January 27. 1863

Dear Mother

I left Harrisburgh yesterday afternoon and arrived at this mud hole about noon to day.  I shall remain here certainly till the 30th or 31st, wandering around on my own account to see the elephant, on a Provost Marshall’s pass.  I came on from Harrisburgh with Lieut. Piper of the 11th Penn. who had some deserters under his charge.  I was well acquainted with Piper.  I left him with his squad at the depot.  I meet plenty of my regiment in Washington.  Took dinner with Postmaster McClellan to day.  Tomorrow I shall call on Gov. Boutwell1 and Mr. Stimpson2 at the Smithsonian Institute.  Of course I had a fine time at Harrisburgh, and both my hosts were very sorry to have me leave.  Tell Martha to exchange three of the photographs, I left with her for better copies of the same likeness side view.  If she cant exchange let her purchase them and I will send for them when I can be sure of receiving them, as it is no use writing for one while I am on the wing.  A letter written to me however, as soon as you receive this, if you have any thing important to say, and directed to the care of Geo. F. McClellan, Mass. Soldiers Relief Association, would reach me. You need not write me but once though as I may be gone.

    In great haste
        Your Aff. Son
            John B. Noyes.

FOOTNOTE 1:  George Sewell Boutwell,  a Representative and a Senator from Massachusetts;  Governor of Massachusetts 1851-1852, secretary of the State board of education 1855-1861; member of the board of overseers of Harvard University 1850-1860; member of the peace convention of 1861 held in Washington, D.C., in an effort to devise means to prevent the impending war; served on the military commission under the War Department in 1862; first Commissioner of Internal Revenue in 1862 and 1863; elected as a Republican to the Thirty-eighth and to the three succeeding Congresses and served from March 4, 1863, to March 12, 1869, when he resigned.  He was instrumental in obtaining John Noyes fulough from the Harrisburg Hospital.

FOOTNOTE 2:  In a later letter John Noyes said he was looking for Mr. Stimpson's son at the Smithsonian.  This would be William Stimpson, (1832 -  1872.)  He was a noted marine biologist.  Born in Boston to Herbert Hathorne Stimpson, a brilliant inventor, and "a leading merchant in Boston" seller of stoves and furnaces. Mr. Stimpson lived at the time in Cambridge, and was probably a good friend of the Noyes family.  The son William established himself as a scholar in marine biology at a young age.  He was invited to reside at the Smithsonian Institute and was its director of the department of invertebrates.  Young Stimpson invited his like minded friends, enthusiastic naturalists in science to join him at the Smithsonian.  William founded the somewhat notorious Megatherium Club, in which the hard-working by day members, would have drinking parties at night, conduct sack races in the main hall, and serenade Joseph Henry's daughters, the institutions live-in secretary.  Mr. Henry eventually asked the rowdy young sientists to move out.  When John Noyes came to call, Stimpson was away at New York.

Comrades Mentioned in Noyes' Diary Entries

Pictured below are some of John Noyes's friends from the regiment, seen in Washington.  George Worcester was wounded in the foot at Antietam while fighting besides Noyes, (mentioned in the introduction). Worcester was staying with William Rideout, as stated in Rideout's letters below.  Walter Callendar is also a friend of Rideout, & a friend of James Ramsey, (whose letters are presented on the first page of this special section).  Callendar's brief biography is presented with the Rideout letters.  Levi L. Dorr was wounded at Antietam in the thigh.  Edward Robinson's record states he was detailed as a clerk in Washington, but I found little else about him.

George WorcesterWalter Callender, Company C

George Worcester, Co. B;        Walter Callendar, Co. C;

W.H.H. Rideout, Company BLevi DorrEdwin F. Robinson, Company B

W.H.H. Rideout, Levi L. Dorr, Edwin F. Robinson, all Company B.

Diary Entry, January 27, 1863.

January 27th  Left Baltimore at 10”. Saw at Washington Geo. Worcester, Calender, Rideout, Dorr, Dick White, Robinson, Clapp, Davenport, Knox. Letters to Stephen & Martha.  Dinner with Geo. F. McLellan. Passed night at Brown’s Hotel.

Browns Marble Hotel

“The Metropolitan aka Brown’s Marble Hotel”

Most of the following Information is lifted from John DeFerrari's Streets of Washington blog; from an article published December 10, 2009, with the above title.

 The site of Brown's Hotel had been a tavern or boarding house since Washington’s inception.  It is located on the North side of Pennsylvania Avenue, about midway between the Capitol and the President's House.  James Madison’s second inaugural ball in 1813 was held at the Davis Hotel, which occupied the site when opened in 1805.  President James Monroe’s two inaugural balls were also held there (1817 and 1821).

In 1820 Jesse B. Brown of Alexandria bought the Davis Hotel.  He remodeled it and enlarged it and opened Brown’s Indian Queen Hotel with a large brightly painted sign hung out front showing a “lurid” picture of Pocahontas.   Under Brown’s management the hotel continued its importance in Washington political life.

Upon his death in 1847, his two sons took over the hotel.  They remodeled it and enlarged it to a full five stories with a  white marble neoclassical facade.  It reopened in 1851 as Brown’s Marble Hotel.  The Brown family sold the hotel in 1865, and the new operators renamed it the Metropolitan.  It seems however that it went by both names during the war, as it is referred to sometimes as Brown's and sometimes as the Metropolitan in the soldiers’ letters.  When the hotel closed in 1932.  The Washington Post remarked at the time that it “had been in continuous operation longer than any other hotel in America.”  The building was torn down in 1935.

Col Leonard stayed here when he came to Washington after the 2nd Battle of Bull Run.  William Rideout and his friends frequently met for dinner at Browns.  The Washington Center Market was across the street, and the rival National Hotel very close by.

National Hotel Washington

View of Washington looking down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the unfinished Capitol.  The National Hotel is on the left.  A. Meyer artist, 1860.

Letter to Sister Martha, January 27, 1863; Washington, D.C.

His sister Martha traded Cd'v's of soldiers and also collected autographs which John would assist with by occasionally sending some to her.

Washington D.C. Tuesday Eve’g.  January 27, 1863.

Dear Martha.

I wrote you from Harrisburgh last Wednesday giving you an account of my stay in Brooklyn.  I did not see Hattie Bigelow.  I called at the Institute Saturday morning, but the school was not in session so I was unable to see her.  I should have called at her boarding house had I been able to ascertain its location.  Sunday I heard for the first time Henry Ward Beecher.  The hall was miserably small for so eminent a preacher, and more miserably ventilated, so that it was with great difficulty that I was able to keep awake even under his vigorous preaching. There was a fine piece of acting in his sermon which added greatly to its vivacity.

I arrived in Harrisburgh safely after a fatiguing ride of about eight hours.  I did not pass through Philadelphia.  Mr. McCormick met me at the depot, and walked up with me to his house.  His wife whom I had not before seen was very glad to make the acquaintance of one whom she already Knew well by reputation.  The little boy Hermann recollected me, as I had taken a ride with him and his father, and a boat ride on the Susquehannah while I was at the Hospital.  I enjoyed my stay at Mr. McCormack’s very much, and he was very sorry to have me leave his house so quickly.  I had scarcely made him a visit at all. While there I received the portfolio and dressing case, which you had made so quickly and so quickly dispatched after me. I hardly thought when I left Boston that you could make the article so quickly, and consequently told George that you need not endeavor to replace my loss.  I should had bought some cloth and set the ladies a sewing had I not received your letter.

Tuesday morning I put on skates for the first time this winter, and indeed for two years.  The skates were very poor grooved ones, yet I succeeded very well.  The same mania that raged in Cambridge a few years ago now rages in Harrisburgh to an equal degree.  Mr. Coverly lent me his fine pair of patent skates in the afternoon, but I did not have an opportunity of trying them as snow set in the next day ending in rain.  The best lady skater I saw on the ice was a married lady, Mrs. Dr. Bailey, and the next best, her daughter about twelve years old. 

Thursday Evening I went to the Coverlies and with them to the old folks concert, that is to say with Ella Coverly and her cousin Carrie from Boston who is now visiting them.  Friday I went to hear Sandford’s troup, Mr. Coverly making one of the party.  It was so muddy owing to the very warm weather we have had lately that I did not ride much while in Harrisburgh.  Yesterday morning however I drove out with the young ladies, but returned in about an hour, as it was too hard drawing, and too chilly to allow of an agreeable ride!  I went away rather suddenly at last, thinking till one o’clock yesterday that I might remain in H. a day or two longer, and indeed I might, as I very clearly see now, to my great regret; for, although a day or two subtracted from one account and added to another makes no great difference ten years from now, still the present difference is very perceptible.

While at the Coverlys I was treated with the greatest kindness and attention. The hours would have suited even George, as breakfast for instance at 9’ 15’ or so. I did not neglect my other friends made during my disability at the hospital, but sought them out to shake them once again by the hand. One of them Mrs. Small, perhaps, (all soldiers would say) the kindest woman in Harrisburgh had a son wounded at Fredericksburgh in the hand, a very bad place, when you consider that he played the organ of his church at the time he enlisted.

I left Harrisburgh about 5 A. M. yesterday in Company with Lieut. Piper of the 11th Pennsylvania who was in charge of a squad of men, a part of whom were deserters and handcuffed.  I arrived in Baltimore between 10 & 11’ o clock and suppered at the Union Relief Ass. Rooms.  As I was not one of the squad I was furnished with a good bed.  At 10 A.m. we set out for Washington & reached there about noon. I have received a pass from the Provost Marshall till the 30th, when I shall probably endeavor to go on to my Regiment on my own account as I have no desire to sojurn long in the convalescent camp.  I have met quite a number of my friends of the regiment here and shall probably find some more at the hospitals tomorrow or next day. I haven’t been to see the august body of the Senators and Representatives yet, nor the Smithsonian Institute.  I want you to exchange three of the photographs I left with you for three excellent, not indifferent ones.  If you cannot exchange them, then purchase them, only letting me know what you do.  In that case I may in the course of time possibly increase the stock of photographs in your album. Do not send the photographs till I tell you when to send them.

    With love to all, I am as ever
        Your Aff. Bro. John.


Willards Hotel before the build up

Pictured is Willard's Hotel, as it would have appeared during the war.  Markham's Hotel is supposed to be next door.

When John Noyes visited Washington, he usually staid at Markham's Hotel.  Sometimes he called it Markham's European Hotel in his letters.  John D. Ferrari, who writes about old Washington, D.C., on his site, Streets of Washington, informed me, that Markham's was next to Willard's Hotel, during the war. In response to my inquiry, he answered,

“It was located next door to the Willard on Pennsylvania Avenue. A quick glance at newspaper citations suggests that it was only in existence as Markham’s during the war years. (I presume, but don’t know for a fact, that F.P. Markham probably sold the business after the war and that the name changed. One of the Willard brothers later built the Occidental Hotel on this site).

“European” just means that the hotel was on the “European Plan,” meaning that the price of a room did not include any meals. This is in contrast to the “American Plan,” which includes meals. Some hotels offered both options. A famous restaurant, Hammack’s, was located on the ground floor of Markham’s during the war years.”

William F. Blanchard, Company B

On this particular visit John Noyes lodged with his Company B friend, William Blanchard.

William B. Blanchard, Company B

William F. Blanchard, Company B, had a fascinating military career, of which I have few details.  His record from the regimental roster reads:

age, 23; born, Boston; tailor; mustered inas priv. Co. B, July 16, 1861; transferred to 39th Mass., July, '64 [Blanchard re-enlisted]; appointed 2d lieut. 27th U.S. Colored Troops, August 31, '64; 1st lieut. April 6, '65; brevet-captain, March 13, '65; wounded, Nov. 28, '62, Aug. 30. '63, Dec. 13, '62, Oct. 27, '64; taken prisoner, July 1, '63; recaptured, May 8, '64.

To clear up a few gaps in this statement, Blanchard was accidentally wounded in November, 1861, in camp at Williamsport, when a pistol accidentally discharged.  For a time his wound was reported to be nearly fatal by his friends.   Noyes was posted at Hancock, Md at the time of the incident, and wrote about it in a letter to his brother George, on December 2nd, 1861:

“One of my mess, Blanchard, is at the point of death, accidentally shot by a pistol in the hands of an Illinois soldier.  He was well educated & perhaps the best informed man in the mess, had studied Virgil & was thoroughly versed in same departments of history.  He was an indefatigable devourer of knowledge and had known good society.  Add to this a thorough knowledge of common seamanship & extensive travel and observation.  I write as though he were dead.  Indeed he may be. There are conflicting reports.  I was his best friend and shall endeavor to go home with him should he not recover, but I suppose my absence from Williamsport will deprive me of that opportunity.”

Obviously Blanchard recovered.  The record states he was wounded at 2nd Bull Run, and at Fredericksburg.  Noyes wrote Blanchard had his shin bone shattered at Fredericksburg.  He was captured at Gettysburg but escaped. While serving as an officer in the 28th Mass., John Noyes ran into his friend Blanchard again in December 1863, when the 13th Mass was camped at Kelly's Ford.  Knowing Blanchard had been captured at Gettysburg, Noyes asked him what he thought of Richmond?  Blanchard replied,

“I did'nt go there; I gave the scamps the slip and found my way back to the lines in two or three days.”  His brother escaped with him.  [Brainard P. Blanchard, Company B, age 18 at muster in].

Blanchard was again captured during Grant's Overland Campaign. The information stated in the roster is misleading & incorrect when it states “recaptured May 8.”  Blanchard was probably captured on May 8th.  Twelve men of the regiment were captured on May 8, 1864 at Spotsylvania, but were freed on May 24, when Custer's cavalry overtook the captors.    These events happened while he was with the 13th Mass, and do not take into consideration what followed with the 27th U.S. Colored troops.  Blanchard was one of the few members of the original 13th Mass. who opted to re-enlist when their 3 year term of service was nearly expired.  All things considered, Blanchard was a remarkable soldier, with a remarkable story.

Picture:  Grover's National Theatre

Grover's National Theatre

Grovers Natonal Theatre  National Theatre Washington D.C. on East Street between 13 & 14 Street.  More about Grovers' can be found in the notes to William Rideout's letter dated Feb. 22.

Diary, January 28 - 29;  Visits to the Theatre

Janr'y 28th Met Blanchard & With him took room at Markham’s Hotel. To Grover’s to see Mr & Mrs. Barney Williams.  Saw Gov. Boutwell.  Letter to Martha.

Janr'y 29th. To Senate room.  To Grover's in ev'g  to see Mr. & Mrs. Barney Williams.  Letter to Surgeon McLaren.


Theatre Act, Mr. & Mrs. Barney Williams

Attending the theatre was a popular past-time for those visiting or living in Washington during the war.  Grover's New National Theatre was one of three principal theaters in the city at that time.  The building was described as “an ice vault in winter and a sweatbox in summer.”  Leonard Grover, the owner, came to be friends with President Lincoln who frequented the place to gain a few hours respite from his many troubles.  Tad Lincoln, would often attend with his father and became a favorite among the stage hands and theatre workers, as well as a playmate to Leonard Grover's son.  Tad was at Grover's, attending the play Aladdin, the night his father was shot at the rival Ford's Theatre.  Grover published a small book titled President Lincoln's Interest in the Theater, in 1866. Grover also owned Grover’s Canterbury Hall, a much seedier establishment that catered only to men. 1

The particular performers John Noyes went to see were Mr. & Mrs. Barney Williams, [pictured] a song and dance team who specialized in Irish and “Yankee” characters.  In the late 1850's they are found performing several seasons at London's Adelphi Theatre, where they were received favorbly by the London public.  Critics however, “praised their performances but deplored the quality of their material.  ...Among their most popular offerings were Ireland As It Is, Barney the Baron, and Our Gal.” 2

Private Noyes seemed to have enjoyed the show for he attended two consecutive nights.

Diary, January 30 - February 1, 1863, Washington, D.C.

Janu’y 30th.  Saw Chandler  & Davenport.  At Hunt’s room.3   Supper with Rideout. Passed night with Harry at the Metropolitan Hotel. Letter to Adjt. Hinckley.

Jan’y 31st.  Left Washington AM.  Spent day and night at Acquia Creek with Chandler & Harry Lazelle. Attended to Lazelle’s Baggage.

February 1st (Sunday)  Left Acquia Creek with H. Lazelle and reached Belle Plain Landing. To camp 13th Mass. Vol. Inf.   In Buffum’s hut.

Letter Excerpt; February 4, 1863

In a letter to his sister Martha, John wrote of his Washington visit:

“I saw but few friends outside the Regiment at Washington.  Mr. Stimpson’s son whom I expected to find at the Smithsonian Institute was absent in New York.  I called on Gov. Boutwell and thanked him for his kindness in procuring a furlough for me.  Wednesday I met Blanchard of my company who had his shin bone shattered at Fredericksburgh, and chummed with him during the remainder of my stay in Washington.  It snowed and rained during most of the time I remained in the City so that the traveling was not at all to my mind.  Was ever such a muddy city as Washington?  The very spaciousness of the avenues seemed a defect, so vast became the receptacle of mud.  I lost myself several times in the big, unfinished Capitol, hunting for the hall of Representatives and Senate Chamber.”

“... I was very glad to have Saturday A.M. come and get out of Washington, where I believe Mr. & Mrs. Barney Williams gave me more entertainment than all other objects and places put together.”

This ends John Noyes' travels through Washington in January, 1863.  He was the first of the wounded men of Antietam to return to the regiment.  In late April, he passed through the city again with a different purpose.

FOOTNOTE 1:  Information about the Theatres found at the website Boothiebarn

FOOTNOTE 2:  Information about the act Mr. & Mrs. Barney Williams was found at the Adelphi Theatre Project Website.  The site provides a detailed program of some of the couples acts performed at the London Theatre in the late 1850's. See URL: https://www.umass.edu/AdelphiTheatreCalendar/m56d.htm#Label003

FOOTNOTE 3:  Joseph Chandler, age 32, Co. B, b. Lexington, MA, farmer, mustered in July 24, 1861, mustered out January 17, '63.  Noyes frequently wrote about Chandler in his letters.  There are two soldiers named Davenport in the 13th, Alfred of Company A, and Melvin of Company K.  Both survived the war.  There are 4 soldiers named Hunt in the roster.  One of them was librarian at Campbell Hospital in Washington.

FOOTNOTE 4:  From other soldiers' letters I learned that Harry Lazelle delivered packages to the members of the 13th Mass.  Perhaps he was a currier for the sutlers Brown & Chase?

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Letters of William H. H. Rideout, February - April, 1863

William H. H. Rideout

Introduction to the Letters

Statistically, what is known about William Henry Harrison Rideout is that his parents were Luke Rideout, 1819 - 1884 and Caroline Totman Rideout, 1818 - 1898.  She was a descendant of William and Mary Brewster.  Mary Brewster was one of 18 women on the Mayflower.  A year after landing she was one of 4 still living to serve the first Thanksgiving.

Luke Rideout was a quarry owner in Quincy, Mass.

He and Caroline had 10 children.  This letter collection references three of them:   Annie Rideout, b. 1839, William H.H. Rideout, b. March 27, 1841, and Caroline Rideout, b. 1844.

Annie married William Robinson in June, 1861, two months after William volunteered for military service.  She died 3 years after the war ended in 1867, age 28.  Caroline, or Carrie was a school teacher, never married, and lived until 1900, age 56.

Military Career

Twenty year old William was an original recruit of Company B, 13th Mass. Volunteers; he enlisted in the 4th Battalion of Rifles, in April, 1861.  For a nearly a year and a half, he followed the various fortunes of the regiment up until August 30, 1862.

 The 2nd Battle of Bull Run proved the end of hard campaigning for many of the soldiers of the 13th MA.  William Rideout was captured on the battlefield, and later paroled by the enemy.  From the letters below, we learn he landed a supervisor’s job with the U.S. Quartermaster Department in Washington and remained there until mustered out with the 13th Mass. on August 1, 1864.  He continued to work as an employee of the Quarter Master Department in Philadelphia until March 31 1865.

Research at the Massachusetts Historical Society turned up a document dated October, 1863, that listed men of the First Corps, Second Division, who were detached from their regiments on special duty.  W.H.H. Rideout is listed as Quarter Master at Washington.*

“What a handsome manly looking soldier he was.  He could cut us all out when the girls were about, and alas, did so frequently.”

So wrote veteran Levi L. Dorr, of his Company B comrade, William H. H. Rideout.  The letters presented here, seem to confirm the general consensus that William was a ladies’ man.


Seven of the following 8 letters, were purchased from a  Gettysburg artifacts dealer by William’s great-grandson Art Rideout.  They had been kept together for years by an unknown family member before they suddenly appeared on the market for sale. The 8th letter was found as a digitized transcription on-line.  Six of the letters are addressed “Dear Sister” but certain clues within the contents suggest that most if not all were writen to 16 year old Lydia Ann Waymouth, (1847 - 1885) of Braintree.

The letters seem to have an ongoing theme running throughout.  William's sisters, Annie and Carrie are mentioned in the correspondence but the letters don't seem to be written to them.

Miss Lydia F. Steadman is the subject of discussion in four of these notes, and she seems to be causing William a bit of grief.  He admits to his correspondent, whomever she may be, of exchanging letters with Miss Steadman under an assumed name;  (a common practice of soldiers during the war) but now he wishes to end that relationship.  In trying to sort things out it doesn't help that his main female interests both happen to be named Lydia.  In any case William H.H. Rideout was juggling a lot of lady friends.

*Massachusetts Historical Society; Elliot Clark Pierce Papers; (box 2 of 5) Thayer Family Papers.

Photo: Government Storehouse Quarter Master Department

Govt Storehouse Quarter Master Department

I love this image, because I zoomed in about 1000 %  on a very grey original, then adjusted the contrast.  Look at the detail in the wagon, and the dog, — and you can read the sign !    [1862-1865].

Letter, February 15, 1863

This first letter opens with the salutation, “Dear Sister.”   Whomever William is addressing here, had visited with his 19 year old sister Carrie, “at home.”  It seems likely that William's married sister Annie and her husband, would have their own home.

The subject of this letter is the recipients' renewed friendship with Miss Lydia F. Steadman. The Feb. 22nd letter continues on the same theme.  That letter is clearly addressed to Lydia Waymouth,  perhaps that is the best evidence that this letter is too.

Washington D. C.
Sunday Afternoon February 15th 1863.

Dear Sister

              Yours of the 10th was received with much pleasure, but I was much surprised when I found You had made up, with Lydia S.1 & if I am not mistaken, You will one day regret having done so, for the regard She has for You, is for advantage, after She accomplishes what She wants, She will disdain to look at You.  As far as I am concerned I do not care a snap about it & had just as leaves signed my own name to those letters as the one I did.  & as for Her Photograph, You must be very foolish if You think I want it, for I do not, I have two of Her pictures at Home at present & if I felt very bad about one I could send for it most any day

I wrote to Her for mere pastime & I was much pleased to see Her so shrewd in her answers.

I suppose by this time You have told Her all the particulars, so I shall have no occasion to write to Her again.

3 girls

I cannot make out what You mean by saying Carrie2 was a naughty girl & that You saw the answer to her letter.  She wrote to me that You & Abbie were at  the house & stopped over night and & that She enjoyed it much & said I ought to have been at Home, for She thought I could have enjoyed Myself, & I told Her I thought if Her account was correct I should rather been excused especially three in a bed.  I begin to suspicion there was some thing more than a good time, or else You would not have said so much about it.  I think I shall have to enquire in to the matter & find out a little more about it

to day it is raining hard & the laboring men have all gone home & the Clerks, those that have not gone to Church, are sitting around the store asleep.  I begin to like my situation very much for I have made the acquaintance of a great many friends & the more I see of them the more I like it.  I went to Alexandria last Monday to see Maj. W. H. Wood3  about my discharge & have every thing just as I want it.  I am almost sure of my discharge & can keep the position I now hold or accept the position of a Q. Master at Fortress Monroe

There are a number of Young Ladies from Boston stopping in this City & some that are pretty Gay

I have had a number of invitations to call on them, but have made it an excuse I did not have time.  I went to the Canterbury4 last evening & meet Lt. Charley Porter5 of the 39th Mass. & We passed the evening very pleasant   He is here on a furlough for a few days & is anxious to have a good time.  I expected He would have been down to Office before this, for He is anxious I should go out this evening to call on some friends

You must excuse the looks of this letter for Mr. Moore the Supt. has gone home & He locked up all the pens excepting this miserable thing that I am using

Hopeing You will enjoy Yourself with Your dear friend Lillie F

I remain as ever Your Brother

W.H.H. R.

(PS)  if You have told Lillie S. who has been writing to Her, I can never forgive You for I done it simply for a joke & thought You would take it as much.

Letter Notes

1.  A bit of research revealed that Lydia S. is Lydia F. Steadman, b. 1843, and a neighbor of Lydia Waymouth in Braintree.  Lydia Steadman whomever she was, married William Mayall in 1867.  In an interesting co-incidence, Mr. Mayall’s mother was Mary Forbush, (apparantly a 4th cousin of mine.)

2.  Carrie is probably William's sister Caroline Rideout, (1844 - 1900).  Abbie is unidentified.

3.  Major William H. Wood (1821 - 1887) served as the Assistant Provost-Marshal General of the Army of the Potomac in 1862 and superintending, mustering, and forwarding to the field Convalescents, Stragglers, etc. near Alexandria, Va., from late December 1862 until May 1864.

4.  The Canterbury is Grover's Canterbury Hall, a somewhat seedy establishment (perhaps a burlesque) that catered to men only.  It was owned by Theatre operator Leonard Grover, who owned Grover's New National Theatre.

5.  Lieutenant Charles Hunt Porter (1843 - 1911) was a 19 year old clerk from Quincy, Massachusetts, when he enlisted as a 2d Lieutenant in Co. D, 39th Massachusetts Infantry.  He was promoted to 1st Lieutenant on January 29, 1863, (Co. A) and as a Captain (declined) in September 1864.  After the war he lived in Boston.

Pictured below, from the Library of Congress collections, is the envelope from one of William Rideout's letters addressed to his Lydia Weymouth, [Waymouth]  dated Hancock, Md.  Company B was on picket duty there in December, 1861.

Envelope of William Rideout letter addressed to Lydia Weymouth

Letter, February 22, 1863

This second letter is clearly addressed to Lydia Waymouth.  William references their mutual friend Fred, [yet unidentified]  which helps determine that the April 14, letter was also written to Lydia.

Washington D.C.,
Washington’s Birth Day  Sunday
February 22nd 1863

   Friend Lydia
               As it is a stormy disagreeable evening & I shall not go to Church   I will do my best to write a short letter, but will necessaryly be very short for my finger is so sore it pains me very much to write & for the past week We have had very disagreeable weather & therefore I have not much news to write.

I rec a letter from Fred this week & He tells the same old story that He is expecting His discharge papers every day.  He sent me his Photograph & if it does not flatter him, He is looking much better than when He left home.

I rec a letter from Lillie F.1 this week, but I shall not answer it for I suppose by this time She knows who it is that is writing to Her.  (but I hope You did not tell here.)

My Roommate Mr Worcester2 thinks He shall go back to the Regt next week & is very anxious to have me go with him but I hardly think I will, for I am very well satisfied with the position I now hold.

I went to Falls Church last Monday with a train of Forage & six men.  We had quite a pleasant trip & stopped at Upton Hill & Munson Hill & arrived back at Alexandria about eight in the evening to late to go up to the City, so I took the men to the Hotel to supper & then down to the Steamer so as to be already to go up in the morning, here I left the men & went up to Nixons Circus,3 but as it was a poor affair I did not stop but a little while & then came back to the Steamer & went to bed & did not get up until the Steamer arrived in Washington

last evening there was two or three officers here from the 13th on furlough & We went to Grovers Theatre4 & passed the evening very pleasant.  They all think I am very foolish if I go back to the Army.

Sleigh Ride Illustration

For the past few days We have had a severe snow storm & tonight the sleigh’s are skipping along the Avenue in gay style.  it reminds Me of the little sleigh ride & tip over We had the night before Thanksgiving

I wish You could be here this evening  I should admire to take a little ride out to Bladensburg or some other place just for pleasure.

hopeing to hear from You soon   I will close this appology for a letter & remain Your
                    most affectionate Brother

(When You have some Photographs taken I hope You will not forget Your Brother for I should prize one very much especially my adopted Sister’s)

Write soon & let me know some of the particulars of Your friendship with Lillie. F.

William Henry Harrison Rideout.
Foolish Boy,     Lydia                 D.C.

Lydia Ann Waymouth         

Picture, Munson's Hill

Munson's Hill

Caption:  “Munson's Hill as it appears with the Fort Erected by the Garibaldi Regiment.”

Letter Notes

1.  Lydia F. Steadman, of Braintree.  (b. about1843).  A neighbor of Lydia Waymouth. (see Feb. 15 letter above).

2.  George S. Worcester is Rideout's roomate and 13th Mass. Company B comrade. More about him will follow.

3.  James M. Nixon's Circus performed regularly in Washington D.C. every afternoon and evening at 7th and Pennsylvania during 1862, up until December when Nixon divided the company and established a theatre in Alexandria.  For more about this see page 2 of this section, when Albert Liscom mentions visiting the circus with his friends, Nov. 1, 1862.

4.  Grover's Theatre was a popular venue for shows in Washington during the war.  Leonard Grover's success caused rival John T. Ford to purchase and renovate an old church and open his more luxurious, Ford's Theatre.  (see image in John Noyes Section above).

Market Scene, Washington in Winter, 1889

Washington D.C., Market Scene in Winter, 1889.

Letter, February 25, 1863

The next two letters are written to the same person, and address a concern the recipient may move to California.  The Lydia Steadman narrative continues here, suggesting again these letters were addressed to Lydia Ann Waymouth.

Washington D.C.,
February 25th, 1863

            Dear Sister
                            Yours of the 20th was rec. with much pleasure & I hasten to give it an early answer but it will neccessaryly be short for the one I sent you monday contained all the news.

I am sorry You entertain the idea that Lillie S.1 (as I call Her) or rather that is the way She sign’s Her name) is a friend of mine for You are sadly mistaken, She was once I suppose, but she can never be again, (not if I know myself & I think I do.

You say You thought I placed more confidence in You than to think You would tell her.  I did, until I received the news that You were friends again & then I was dum founded & knew not what to think.  I was never more astonished at any thing in my life & if I were with You I could explain Myself a little more definately, by saying that some day she will disdain to look at You, I know Lydia Stedman almost as well as I know Myself & I know what her opinion is of You.

I am extremely sorry to hear You think of leaving Your native land & going to so distant a country [the next letter reveals this distant land is California] as the one You named, for I hardly know what I should do if I were to part forever with one I so much love, (& especially my Sister)  I am in hopes Your father will change his mind & not go, but if He does not & You must leave Me, The worst wish I have, is that You may live happy in Your new home & never meet a worse friend than Your brother W.H.H. R

You spoke in Your letter of having some idea of paying a visit to this city.  I think that would be  a grand idea for I should be most happy to see You when You come   You had better come with Annie,1 she thinks of coming & poor company would be better than none.

Winslow Homer illustration, Soldier at a theatre

My roommate Mr Worcester has gone to Boston on a little visit, to see his Parents & his intended.  He thinks of going back to the army to accept a commission & is anxious to have me go with him.  He is going to call on my Parents Thursday or Friday so if You are down You may see him.  He is a pretty boy & a fine young man.   I miss him very much, for I have had to sleep alone since He went, but to night I have a bed fellow one of Clerks named A. Supplee.2  He has been in bed for the last half hour singing like a canary Bird & He says if I don't stop writing & come to bed He will throw something (unmentionable) at me.  He says if the letter I am writing is to my Sister or My Lady to throw in a kiss for Him.

since Sunday We have had delightful weather & the snow has nearly all disappeared.  last evening I went to Canterbury Hall but did not stop a great length of time, for I had the blues & felt sick, so I came home & went to bed, but not to sleep, for there was a Band of Music seranading, a few doors below where I board & kept me awake for nearly two hours.  I lay listening to the sweet music & thinking of the dear ones at home

You will please excuse all mistakes & the looks of the writing for I have written this under serious disadvantages  My finger is so sore I can hardly write & my friend in bed has kept me talking ever since I commenced.

Hopeing to hear from You soon & as often as You can make it convenient.

I am Your most affect. Brother         

Letter Notes

1.  Annie is Ann Rideout Robinson (1839 -1867) William Rideout's sister.

2.  A. Supplee - More information is needed to identify this person.  A search of the National Park Service Soldiers' database revealed 11 soldiers with surname Supplee and first initial A.

February 26, 1863

This letter is addressed to the same person as the previous letter of Feb. 25, most likely Lydia Waymouth. It continues on the same subjects as the previous letter.

Washington D.C.
February 26th 1863  

Dear Sister,
                        Yours of the 20th was rec. with much pleasure & answered but as I feel a little homesick to night I think I Crescent Mooncannot improve the time with more pleasure than in writing to You.  it is now past ten o’clock but it is so pleasant & moonlight I cannot think of going to bed.

I have been out this evening taking a little walk with a friend of mine & I expect him in (every moment)  to sleep with me, so I think I will stay up & write untill He comes but my letter will not be very interesting for I have written twice this week & sent all the news.

My roommate Mr Worcester is to come back next tuesday & then I shall not be quite as lonesome.

you need not be surprised if You see Me drop in some evening next month for I have been thinking of coming for two or three weeks & you know when I make up my mind to go or come I most always do it.

I am in hopes You will change Your mind about going to California & come to Washington, for I think You would enjoy a trip here much better.   if Washington is a miserable City it has many attractions for a stranger, any one traveling might stay in Washington a week or two & enjoy themselves very much, but to make it a home is not quite so pleasant as it might be.

I think I will stop writing to Lillie S. for if She has not already found out who it is that is corresponding with her, I fear she will & then she will be so mad with me, She will be for retaliating in some form I might not like.

Girl reading letter

You said You would not tell for You thought it was to serious a matter.  I cannot see any thing very serious about it.  I promised her some time ago I would write to her but I did not promise to sign my own name, this corresponding & signing a fictitious name is nothing very serious.  I know of hundreds that have done it.  When I was at work in Boston I carried on a correspondence with a young lady at the Ladies’ Seminary at Worcester for more than six months & neither of us ever saw each other & probably never will.  I wrote for mere pleasure & she probably done the same.

You will please not inspect this letter to strong for I scratched it off in some what of a hurry & it will not bear inspection.

hopeing to hear from You soon & that You have given up all ideas of going to the land of Gold.

I am Your most Affect.
Brother W.H.H.R

George S. Worcester, Company B

George S. Worcester, 13th Mass, and Major, 5th Mass H.A.

William mentions his roommate several times.  George Samuel Worcester enlisted in the Fourth Battalion of Rifles, April 17, 1861 and was offered the rank of Corporal.  He is listed in the roster as a 22 year old  clerk from Boston.  He mustered into Company B with the rest of the regiment on July 16, 1861.  Worcester was promoted to Sergeant on April 1, 1862. 

He was wounded at the Battle of Antietam.  John Noyes wrote, “...Sergeant Worcester fought by my side... [he] was shot while talking to me about the range of my firing, though not severely.”

Worcester 's record further states he was taken prisoner at Chambersburg, PA on October 10, 1862. 

About the time Worcester is living with Rideout he acquired a discharge from the 13th Mass to accept a 2nd Lieutenants commission in the 3rd Mass. Heavy Artillery, Company C.

A few of Worcester's letters have appeared for sale at various times at on-line auction houses.  I have partial transcriptions of some of these.  The content reveals he was a member of the Masonic Order, and the friend of  an influential fellow mason, Charles M. Leland of Walpole.  Leland's eldest son Charles (though only 17 upon enlistment) was also a private in Company B, 13th MA.  Many of Charles Leland's letters  are posted on this site.  In the following letter excerpt, Worcester is trying to help Charles get a Corporal's warrant with the 13th Mass.

[Pictured is Major George S. Worcester, 5th Mass. Heavy Artillery, formerly Sgt. Worcester, Co. B, 13th Mass.]

Letter, March 23, 1863

Washington, March 23, 1863

[to fellow Mason Charles M. Leland]

…last week, I saw Lt. [Morton] Tower, of Co. B …I asked as a special favor a corporals warrant for your son, which he promised to give him  …I have every confidence in Lieut. Tower, it will be a small promotion but it gives him just one step above the privates …he will be in direct line promotion, and I hope he will be more successful than I have been …if he wants it you could procure him a commission in one of the negro regts.  Quite a number of the boys accepted such a commission …he would only have to procure a recommendation from Colonel Leonard and have it presented to Governor Andrew …with the understanding that he wishes the commission in a colored regiment  …better men than I have gone from the regiment to accept such commissions…

Nineteen year old Charles Leland was killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863, before Lt. Tower was able to help him.

Worcester was promoted Captain in the 3rd Mass. Heavy Artillery on August 11, 1863, and a year later was commissioned Major.  The regiment engaged in garrison duty in the Defenses of Washington, north of the Potomac, to September, 1865.  Worcester mustered out of the service with his unit, September 18, 1865.

George Worcester was a popular soldier with the Company B boys, and was very active in the post war re-unions, up until the time of his death on April 27, 1895.

Picture, Quartermaster's Wharf, Alexandria

Quartermaster's Wharf, Alexandria

Pictured is the Quartermaster's Wharf, Alexandria, with a group of horses on the dock.  Rideout superintended the unloading and storage of goods transported by barges at a similar wharf in Washington D.C.

Letter, March 24, 1863

The circumstantial evidence for this being another letter to Lydia, is the friendship established between Lydia and William's sister Carrie who is mentioned here, and in the Feb. 22nd letter.  (Although it is also conjecture that the Feb. 22nd letter is addressed to Lydia).   The theme of swapping photos in this letter, suggests a sweetheart rather than a married sibling, as would be the case if the letter were written to William's married sister Annie.

Washington D.C.,
Tuesday Evening  March 24th 1863

Dear Sister
                    Yours of the 22nd was rec. this evening with the usual amount of pleasure & I will endeavor to answer immediately, but my letter will be very short, for I sent You one yesterday which contained all the news.

Today has been very warm & pleasant & I have enjoyed myself much, I have been on the wharf all day with Mr. Colbert checking the different loads of Hay & Grain as they came off the Barges.  There is a Boat leaves the wharf for Alexandria every hour & it is always crowded with good looking Young Ladies, so the time slips away quite pleasantly ( & so do the Ladies )


this evening it is dark & cloudy & will rain before morning, just the way it has been ever since I have been in this City, as soon as the mud dries up & it is good walking, it is always sure to rain.

I rec. a letter from Carrie, this eve.  but it contained nothing of importance, said she had not seen You for long, long time.  She is very anxious to know how I spend my evenings & if I have any serious intentions of selling Myself to any of the Washington Ladies. ( if I do ) says she will make me some presents, if I will only let her know.

I shall be greatly indebted to You if I rec. one of those Photographs but if those are the only terms by which I am to rec. one, I am afraid I shall never rec. it, for I am so busy at present  I do get time to go & have mine taken for I never come to the Avenue only in the evening unless I come up horse back & then I am generally in such a hurry that I do not have time.

& as regards that one I took from home, I am afraid that is amongst the missing for I have looked after it a dozen times.  I think I must have burnt it by accident in burning up some old letters.

but if You can look at it in the light of forgiveness & send the one of Yours, I will promise to forward one of mine as soon as I can get time to go & stand for them.

as regards the style of the Picture, I will let You use Your own judgement, for I know You are a young Lady of good taste.

You must excuse the writing spelling & every-thing else that is wrong about this letter, for My roommate & Mr Supplee & Mr Callender1 are kicking up such a time that I hardly think I could spell my own name.  I have laughed so much at their jokes & performances My head spins like a top.

They say if I do not stop they will kick the table over & black my moustache with the ink   so I think it best for me to close but as soon as I rec. the Photograph I will write a good long letter

From Your most affectionate
Brother W.H.H.R.                

Letter Notes; Walter Callendar, Company C

Walter Callendar, 13th Mass. Company C1.  Walter Callendar, 13th Mass. Company C.  Walter was born January 9, 1834 in Stirling, Scotland, the son of James and Christian (Reid) Callendar.  [Spelling seems to vary between Callendar & Callender].  He came to the United States in 1857 and worked as a clerk for a Boston merchant.  He enlisted in the 4th Battalion of Rifles in April, 1861.  Like William H.H. Rideout, Callendar was detailed to the Quartermaster General's Departmet at Washington, sometime after the 2nd Battle of Bull Run.  After the war he married Amy Oswald Crow, (1842-1882) of Glasgow, Scotland,  on April 3, 1866 and went  went into business in Providence Rhode Island, founding the dry goods store Callender, McAuslan and Troup Company. Walter had 3 sons, Walter Reid Callender, (1872-1934; Graduated Yale 1894);  Robert Callender, (Graduated Yale 1898; d. 1900); and John Alexander Callender, (Graduated Yale, 1902).  Walter senior died in Providence December 30, 1921.   Private John B. Noyes, Company B, mentioned Callendar among the friends he met in Washington in January, 1863.  (See “The Travels of John B. Noyes,” above).  He is also mentioned in the letters of James Ramsey, Company F.  Callendar was active in the 13th Regiment Association post-war re-unions.

Although he only attended dinners in 1894, and again with his son Walter R. in 1914, he provided liberal financial support to the organization and ocassionally served on its executive board.  Incidentally, his name is always spelled "Callender" in the circulars.

Picture, Capitol Grounds July, 11, 1863

The Green in front of the U.S. Capitol Building

Pictured is the green in front of the Capitol Building, mentioned in William Rideout's letter below.  From where he is writing, he says that he "can hear the noise & cheers of the crowd & the Music of the Bands quite plain."  This suggests his quarters were close by.  The fairly new Statue of George Washington, adorns the grounds.

Letter, March 31, 1863

  The recipient of this letter is unknown.  It may be addressed to William's married sister Annie,  but I have made my case for Lydia Waymouth.  Readers can make their own judgements.

Washington, D.C.
March 31st, 1863  

Dear Sister,
                                                                                Yours of the 29th was received this evening and also one from C. E. Pierce,1 but as You were so very kind as to send me Your Photograph, I will try and answer Yours first.

As regards Yours of the 23rd being received with unusual  pleasure, there must be some mistake, for it was not received, or at least it did not afford me any more pleasure than the rest.  All of the letters I receive from home & friends  afford much pleasure,  If I wrote You it was received with unusual pleasure it was a mistake on my part & I must have used the word unusual for usual;

The one I received this evening was received with unusual pleasure because it contained the Photograph for which, I am a thousand times obliged & I in return will send one of mine as soon as I can make it convenient to have them taken.

I was pleased at the good advice You sent (not to work to hard) for the work that I do at the Office would not injure the most delicate Lady in the world.   I am obliged to be at the Office all day, but do not work some days more than ten minutes.  this past week I have been very busy on account of the arrival of so many Barges & probably shall be busy untill about the middle of April, but I always manage to enjoy myself  “busy or not” for when it is pleasant instead of sending the Messenger to Head Quarters with my Reports I go back and take them myself.

The past week We have had extremely pleasant weather, but last evening it commenced to snow & continued snowing nearly all day.  this evening it cleared off & is quite pleasant (over head) but the walking is very sloppy.

This evening there was a large Mass meeting on the green in front of the Capitol & I should think from the crowd I have seen going that way it must have been largely attended by both Ladies and Gentlemen,  while I am writing I can hear the noise & cheers of the crowd & the Music of the Bands quite plain.2

Mr. Supplee is with me in my room this evening sitting at the opposite side of the table, writing to some Young Lady in Baltimore, his intended I suppose.  He keeps asking me so many foolish questions I shall get some of them down in this letter if I am not carefull.

As my steady quiet life affords me but little news of importance I think I will bring this to a close, for as You say if I write to much at once I shall have nothing to write next time.

                      Give my kind regards to all inquiring friends & write soon.
                                        From your most Affectionate
                                                            Brother,     Will.

                P.S.)  I was extremely sorry to hear My Mother was sick & hope it will not prove serious,  I think instead of writing to C.E. Pierce this evening I will improve the rest of it in writing to her)

Photo:  Crowd in front of the Capitol, May, 1865

Crowd in front of the Capitol, 1865

The picture above gives an impression of a large crowd gathered in front of the capitol. Instead of snow they are resisting rain. They are gathered for the Grand Review of the Army.

Letter Notes

1.  I have no information on the identity of C. E. Pierce.

2.  There was a very large Union Meeting held in the U.S. Capitol on March 31, 1863.  Both the Senate and House Chambers and the associated spaces were filled to capacity to see the President and most of his cabinet who were in attendance.  Admiral Foote and Andrew Johnson of Tennessee were the featured speakers.  William's letter shows the crowd must have spilled out onto the lawn in front of the Capitol despite the snowfall. April 14, 1863

Photo:  Navy Yard

Guns in front of the Navy Yard, Washington D.C.

In this letter William takes a ride past the Navy Yard pictured above.

Letter April 14th, 1863

This letter is probably written to Lydia Waymouth.  William again mentions Fred, as in the letter addressed to her dated Feb. 22nd.  The identities of Fred and John are unknown.  Lydia Waymouth' siblings all died before their first birthday.  Lydia Steadman had no siblings.

Washington D. C.,
April 14th 1863      

Dear Sister
             Yours of the 12th was rec. this evening & I am greatly in debated to You for so early an answer, I was a little surprised at first that You should keep me waiting so long but after hearing Fred was at home I was surprised to think I should have rec. any.  I am [in] hopes He will enjoy his visit & as for returning to York I do not think there is any danger of his doing that at Present

I think He & John1 ought to be placed on the retired list of soldiers & receive a pension of a thousand a Year for they have suffered much for their countries good

My letter this time will necessarily be short, not for the same reason You had, because You did not feel like writing ) but because I have nothing interesting to write about, except the weather ) for the last week that has [been?] delightful & taking everything into consideration I have enjoyed it much, the out-door plants are in bloom “& everything looks as fresh & green as grass

(but in reality everything today is not as green as one might take them to be, at a distance)    I should have written Sunday but not having received any for a fortnight, I thought it best to wait for I would not intentionally tax Your patience with these cheap letters of Mine,  I managed to pass the Sabbath very pleasantly, in the morning I took a ride over to the Navy-Yard & satisfied my curiosity by looking at the different articles got up expressly for destroying life & property & protecting our sea-coast.

in the afternoon I went to Alexandria just for a sail, took a stroll around the different Forts & Entrenchments & returned home early in the evening a wiser, if not a better man.

as I have an engagement this evening at Browns Hotel I shall be obliged to cut this letter short,  I promised to be there at eight & it is nearly that now,

hopeing You will enjoy Fred’s short visit, & write again soon, I am as ever        Yours, most affectionately
                    W.H.H. R.

(Those great attractions You spoke of in Washington if I understand Your meaning correctly, I believe there is quite a number of them here, but I have never indulged in any of them as Yet, and as for enjoyment if I could not enjoy myself more in Boston in one day than I can here in one week ( I would never say so )

Picture, Washington from the Capitol looking West-Southwest

Pictured below is an early photographic view of Washington, D.C. from the Capitol looking west - southwest, circa 1863.   Maryland Ave. SW and B Street SW [independence Ave. SW] to the left, Main Ave. 3rd, 4 1/2, and 6th Streets SW to the center.  View includes The Mall, Washington Armory, Armory Square Hospital, Smithsonian Castle, Washington Canal Botanic Garden, Gas Works, and the Potomac River.   Library of Congress.

Washington Panoramic

The photo represents some of the attractions the city held in 1863.  To paraphrase William Rideout, “it's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.”

Return to Table of Contents

John Noyes Returns to Town


Private John B. Noyes had long sought an officer's commission since the day he determined to volunteer for the service.  Finally on April 6, 1863 Governor John Andrew appointed him 2nd Lieutenant, 28th Massachusetts Volunteers.  Ironically the 28th was an Irish regiment, and John Noyes would find he did not like the organization. He received notice of his appointment on April 17, while he was clerking at Headquarters for General Marsena Patrick's  Office of the Provost Marshal General, and applied for a 10 day furlough to go home and purchase an officer's uniform and equipments.  This brought him through Washington again, although it was more business than pleasure.  He first passed through the city on his way to Boston, barely stopping, before catching an evening train to New York.  When he returned a week later, after acquiring a uniform, sword, trunk, and carpet bag, (and visiting family & friends) he again  passed through the city on the way to Aquia Creek Landing to pick up his discharge paper.  With that in hand he returned to D.C. to get his final pay from the 13th Mass. and settle accounts. He did not stay too long, the army was on the move. Between business, he found time to see a few friends and visit the Washington Theatre.

Diary Entries, April 28 - May 1, 1863

April 28th.  Arrived at Washington at 6 ½ Am.  To Acquia Creek & the Army. There at 2 P.M. Saw F. W. Vaughan. Slept in the office. Found my discharge paper there. The Army on the move. Saw Dalton Of  Whipple’s Staff.  Letter to father.

April 29th. Dan Holbrook married to Miss Lockwood.  Pleasant. Left Falmouth in 10:45 train for Washington. Cannonading heard.  Stop at Markham’s Hotel. Saw Dorr, Rideout, Chase & Brown. Letter to Martha.

[Levi L. Dorr and W.H.H. Rideout are pictured elsewhere on this page.]

William Chase, sutlerWilliam H. Brown, Sutler

William M. Chase, William H. Brown, 13th Mass. Sutlers

Sutler's Chase & Brown were willing to lend credit to the rank & file of the 13th Mass.; something not all sutlers would do.  John Noyes stopped by to settle his account.

April 30th.  Pleas. Rain P.M.  Fast day, Paid Brown & Chase in full. $13.00.  Rec’d from him $104.00 8mos. Pay.  To Washington Theater in Eve’g with Ch. [Charles] Richards to hear J. Wilkes Booth & Alice Gray in Romeo & Juliet.

May 1st.  To Patent Office. Weighed 130 lbs. Paid in full on my discharge papers $44.00 to April 11. 1863.  Letter to father enclosing $130.00.  Clarke of Co. D  called.  Percy Townsend, Corp. 39th Regt called on me at the hotel in Eve’g. Letter to Ellie Coverly.

Charles Richards, Company BWilliam T. Clark, Company D

Charles N. Richards, Company B, and William T. Clarke, Company D, 13th Mass.

Comments; Charles N. Richards & William T. Clarke

Richards was badly wounded in the upper lip/nose at the battle of Antietam.  His comrade Levi Dorr, said his head swelled up like a balloon.  In later years he grew a beard to hide the scar.  He was discharged from the service in November, 1862 and clerked in Washington during and after the war.  For fifty years he was Keeper of Stationery in the U.S. Senate.  He spoke of his experiences and the many famous personalities he encountered at the 1914 Regiment Association re-union dinner.  

William Tilton Clarke of Company D, also clerked for various head-quarters in Washington during his enlistment and afterwards.  It is interesting that his only mention in John Noyes' diary comes here the day after Noyes has seen John Wilkes Booth perform at the Washington Theatre.  It was Clarke's apartment across the street from Ford's Theatre, where President Lincoln was brought after being shot by Booth two years later.  Historian Ida Tarbell wrote in her book, Life of Lincoln, that Clarke had left the theatre early, bored with the play, when shortly afterward he witnessed a commotion in the street.  When he learned what was happening he offered his room for the dying President. This was disputed by other participants after Tarbell's history was published.   Dave Taylor at his Boothie Barn Blog,  has studied the story, and it appears that it was Clarke's family that gave this story to historian Ida Tarbell about 20 years after Clark had died in 1888.  President Lincoln was brought to Clarke's room, but it was another tenant, Henry Safford, who boarded on the 2nd floor, and saw the commotion in the street from his window.  Safford believes, Clarke may have written letters home giving the impression he was present at the time of Lincoln's death ...and thus caused the misunderstanding.  Or, perhaps Clarke embellished his role in one of the greatest tragedy's in American history, when speaking of it to others.

George Washington's Battle Sword

John Noyes mentions seeing Washington's sword, and other artifacts while visiting the Patent Office Building.

George Washington's Battle Sword, National History Museum

 George Washington wore this sword while serving as commander of the Continental army during the Revolutionary War.  Made in Fishkill, New York, by John Bailey, an immigrant cutler from Sheffield, England.  Washington's nephew Samuel T. Washington inherited the sword, & Samuel's son donated the sword to the U.S. government in 1843.  National Museum of American History.

Letter; May 1, 1863

John Noyes was himself somewhat of an expert on Shakespeare and wrote an unpublished treatise on the English of Shakespeare's time.  He tells his father he has seen the play Romeo & Juliet, with John Wilkes Booth and Alice Gray in the title rolls.

Markham’s Hotel, Washington D.C
        May 1. 1863.

Dear Father :
                  I wrote you from Falmouth on the 28th inst, & to Martha from this place yesterday.  As April 30th was fast day I was not able to get paid off, so that I was obliged to remain in town to day.  Tomorrow I return to Falmouth. The weather has been beautiful for a few days past.  Washington presents a much gayer view than it did last January when I was here, when the mud on Pennsylvania Avenue was only less deep than on the banks of the Rappahannock. 

I went last night to see the reigning star in the theatrical line, J. Wilkes Booth, brother of Edward & son of him whom you saw when many years younger than now.  J. Wilkes is younger than his brother & has not quite so much mannerism.  His voice is very like Edwin’s, base, though not so finely cultivated. Occasionally, unlike Edwin, he rants although perhaps the play, Romeo & Juliet, might be his excuse.  He was ably supported in Mercutis, & Juliet, done by Miss Alice Gay was Excellent. The death scene was somewhat over acted, suggesting the idea that J. Wilkes and Miss Alice, were not both to act Romeo and Juliet together. Sufficient however of play acting, an amusement I do not often enjoy.

Interior of the Patent Office Building, the hall of Models

To day I visited the Patent Office, looked very curiously over the numerous patents models there collected together.  I saw also the Sword of Washington & staff of Franklin & many of the effects that once belonged to the father of his country. 

[The Hall of Models; Interior of the Patent Office Building].

As I entered the Provost Marshal’s office to renew my pass I met a class mate, Percy Townsend a corporal in one of the later raised regiments, who was in charge of the guard at the office.  I invited him to spend the eve’g with me & he accepted the invitation.

To day I was paid off on my discharge papers in full.  I send you herewith one hundred and thirty dollars to be disposed of as you think best.  You can receipt for it in a note directed to me at the 28th Mass. Vols, via Washington D.C., as tomorrow or next day I shall hunt up the Regiment which is now across the Rappahannock.  Have you read Hooker’s testimony in relation to Burnside and McClellan before the investigating committee; and the editorial of the Richmond Whig on “the late Geo. B. McClellan.”  Now that the rebels have nothing to gain from lauding McClellan, they seem to be very outspoken in their estimate of him as a military leader.

    With love to All I am
            Your Affectionate Son
                John B. Noyes.

Pictures, John Wilkes Booth & Alice Gray

John Wilkes BoothAlice Gray

Infamous actor, John Wilkes Booth, and actress Alice Gray.

On May 2nd, Lieutenant Noyes left Washington by boat and started for his new command.  The Chancellorsville campaign was in full swing.  He arrived at headquarters in Falmouth, ready to start for his regiment that night, but was not off until the following morning. On May 4th he bivouacked at U.S. Ford, and joined the 28th Mass. on the battlefield May 5th.

Return to Top of Page

William & Lydia; Epilogue

Congressional Library under construction, April 1863

Pictured is the Congressional Library under construction, April 19, 1863, a month after the fatal accident reported at the end of the following newsclipping.

Cape Ann Light & Gloucester Telegraph, May, 1873

Cape Ann Light and Gloucester Telegraph

GLOUCESTER, MASS., SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1863. [all caps]

The Capitol building at Washington is progressing towards completion, although not so rapidly as anticipated. There are about six hundred hands employed upon it, but on account of the unusual wet weather the work on the dome has been so delayed that the statue of Liberty will not be raised on the 4th of July, as contemplated.  The beautiful porticos of the wings will be finished this year.

About a week ago some of the glass roofing over the Library of the House of Representatives fell through from its over weight, and greatly endangered the life of the Assistant in the library. Thursday morning an iron panel over the Congressional Library, while a workman was walking upon it, broke away and caused the death of the workman in a very few moments.

Picture:  Quarter Master's Office at 7th Street Wharf

Quartermaster's Office, 7th St. Wharf, D.C.

Pictured are several workers at the Quartermaster's Office, 7th Street Wharf, Washington, D.C., taken May, 1865.

Letter, October 14, 1863

In this final letter of this small assortment, William and Lydia's relationship has blossomed into a full blown romance.   Certain words in the letter were made bold with repeated pen strokes.

Washington D.C.   
Wednesday  Oct 14th 1863

My Own Dear Lillie
                    Yours of the 11th I received last Eve with much pleasure & had I not sent You one last evening, I should feel as though I ought to answer, but as it is I will endeavor to write a few lines.

You ask why I sent that Poetry & if I thought You needed to read it.  No! Lillie Dear I did not.  I sent it because my letter was a short one, & as it contained more thruth than Poetry, I put it in to fill up.

I did not send it because I thought You needed it, far be it from that.  I know or at least I take You to be a young Lady that is smart enough to look out for No. 1.  however, a little advice will do no person any harm & I know very well there are plenty of jealous disposition’s in Quincy & Braintree that would do any thing in this world to wrong You or Me & especially You, when I am away.

p. 2

When I am with You to love & protect You, I have no fears & I hope the day is not far distant when I shall be with You always.  I often look back to the day of my enlistment & think what a fool I was, but then when I look at it again, I think it was not quite so foolish as some might think, for what I have seen & learned I shall never forget & I have got out of it safe & sound & for all I know as good if not a better man than when I enlisted.

I think it was a gift from God that I left them when I did, for had I been with them at Fredericksburg, Gettysburg & Antietam I should have probably been killed, or crippled for life.  I enlisted on the 16th of April 1861 but was not sworn into the US. service until sometime in July, but the Col. [Leonard] told me in Browns Hotel, two or three weeks ago that the Regt. or rather the old Boys of the 13th, would be mustered out


girl in wedding dress

sometime in May  so You see it will be only seven or eight months at the longest.  but my coming home will have nothing to do with that, for I can come most any time, the only trouble is I cannot stay any length of time after I get there.  never mind Lillie Dear, when next I enlist, I will not enlist in infantry, but infancy & You know pretty well who’es Company I intend to join, [ L.A.W. ] & I am under the impression after the Co. is once started or formed, We can raise as many recruites for Home-Guard’s as We wish, about the size of that one You took Care of at the Beach for Amer [?] Presby’s Wife ( how are You young Zoozo )

I guess I have written enough of my chin music & as I have no news I will bring this to a close & go down on the wharf & see how My men are working, for they have been lounging about so much for the past few days  I almost afraid

p. 4

They have forgotten how to work.

             hoping this will find You as gay & happy as You always seemed to be  I will bid You a most affectionate adieu
                            & remain Yours most Affect.
                                    & devotedly   

Lydia A. Waymouth

Epilogue:  Married Life

William was discharged from the 13th Massachusetts August 1, 1864. He continued clerking in the Quarter  Master Department in Philadelphia  until March 31, 1865.

William and Lydia married on June 5, 1864 in Philadelphia, PA.  They settled in Quincy, and had 3 sons, Henry 1865-1924, William 1872-1920 and Carl 1876-1927.

The Ninety-third Anniversary of the Declaration of American Independence was celebrated in Quincy on Monday, July 5, 1869.  William H H Rideout was the Chief Marshal.

Quincy Election Results 1873

Lydia lived until 1885.  William would marry two more times before he passed away at age 79 January 25, 1920.  During his life he was very involved in the 13th Regiment Association re-unions, and was a member of the E.W. Kinsley Post 113 of the G.A.R.  His obituary in the Association circulars says for a long time up until his death he was employed at the Boston Custom House as Inspector of Cigars.

All three of his sons attended several of the 13th Mass. re-unions with their dad.

Something tells me William had a sense of humor.  I think it is because I found the following record of 1873 election results for Governor in Quincy.  Also, it was William Rideout’s request that the following poem be read at the Dec. 11, 1900 re-union dinner at Young’s Hotel in Boston.


Since I came back from bloody war in eighteen sixty-five,
Shot up in quite annoyin’ way, but glad to be alive,
It’s been the pleasure of my life to set my frisky jaw
A-waggin’ ‘bout the dangers an’ privations that I saw.
I loved to fight the battles o’er, an’ felt an honest pride
In tellin’ of the part I took upon the Union side,
In grim recitals tendin’ to ‘most any heart appall;
But since that boy o’ mine got back I stand no show at all.

I guess fur most a thousand times, an’ mebbe more, I’ve sot
An’ told my children thrillin’ tales of how their daddy fought,
An’ when the neighbors’d come in my martial tongue’d flop,
Until I’d know they’d wish to gosh the cussed thing’d stop.
I’d tell ‘em of the tented camps, the marches, an’ the fights,
The fun around the camp-fire in the bivouacs o’ nights,
An’ all the dire privations that a soldier could befall;
But since that boy o’ mine got back I stand no show at all.

I marched with Billy Sherman from Atlanta to the sea,
Swung ‘round to old Virginny for a shy at Bobby Lee,
I went through more than twenty fights where shells an’ bullets flew,
An’ stained the soil o’ Dixie with my blood a time or two,
An’ ever since the greatest joy o’ life has bin to set
An’ fight them bloody scraps ag’in with some old comrade vet,
Or git the children ‘round me like a eager, lis’nin wall;
But since that boy o’ mine got back I stand no show at all.

Of course, as veteran soldiers will, some yarns I’d of’n spin
If given an assay fur truth’d pan out mighty thin,
An’ had some old reliable prevarications I
Had come to think was gospel truth myself, an’ that’s no lie.
I saw some rocky service, an’ I fought right up to date,
But if I’d done the fightin’ that my  yarns’d indicate
I’d be the biggest warhoss in the hull rebellion stall;
But since that boy o’ mine got back I stand no show at all.

He sets an’ laughs when I begin to boastingly recite
The same old stories he has heard since just he saw the light,
An’ says if us old catacombs had been in Cuby, we
Would never mention fight again to heroes sich as he.
An’ then he’ll turn his talker loose wit stories that’d make
The divil want to grab his hand fur a fraternal shake.
I used to think that I could lie with purty nervy gall,
But since that boy o’ mine got back I stand no show at all.

William H. H. Rideout, 1890

William H. H. Rideout, 1890, age 49.  

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Page Updated May 28, 2018.

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"...had I been with them at Fredericksburg, Gettysburg & Antietam I should have probably been killed."